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The heartbeat of Jay First Assembly is to create a church culture that impacts a community


What does that mean?

Is this just a catchy slogan that we throw around?

What is this culture you live out?


Ultimately, a church is a family of people who gather around a common core of beliefs and values.

Our values are the guiding principles and motivation for everything we do.

We are intentional with our values because what we value in life is what we will devote ourselves too,

and it will ultimately drive what we do.


That is what a culture is. Culture touches every aspect of our lives. 

There is a unique culture in this county, there is a unique culture in your job environment,

and there is even a unique culture in your home. 


Every organization and family has values that drive their decisions and actions. 

If you have uttered the words to your child, “you will not quit because in our family we don’t quit”

then you just reinforced a culture in your home. 


Keep reading below to find out what values we devote ourselves to here at JFA.

What we Value_gray.png

 THE WORD OF GOD: Where the Word Speaks; God Speaks. 

We believe the Bible contains the living, powerful, authoritative word of God.

The Bible is the foundation of truth, hope, and the knowledge of salvation.

The Bible is how we know who we are, how we know who God is, and how we know the Gospel message.

The Bible is the foundation we build the church and our lives upon. 

2nd Timothy 3:16-17

Hebrew 4:12

Psalms 119:105


 WORSHIP: Fellowship Void of Performance 

Worship is more than a song that we sing on Sundays.

Worship is fellowship with God. Humanity was created to have fellowship with God,

but the desire to perform in life dampens the fellowship. Sometimes that performance

comes out in trying to please others, put on a show for God, or even living for ourselves.

We believe a renewed mind in Christ will bring us to TRUE fellowship with God. 

Romans 12:1

John 4:24

Psalms 100:4


 SPIRIT LED: Living a Lifestyle of Blessing 

The promise of Jesus was that he would never leave us nor forsake us.

Jesus fulfilled this promise to us by sending the Holy Spirit.

God lives with us every day, and when we allow him he will direct our path.

We believe that when a Christian is spirit led they will be a blessing

everywhere they go and to everyone they meet. That blessing might be a smile, a kind word,

a few dollars, or a prayer of faith. In short we show Jesus to the world. 

2nd Corinthians 2:15

1st Corinthians 6:19

Hebrews 13:5


 FAMILY: Welcome to the Family 

One of the most amazing truths in the New Testament is that when we are

saved we are adopted into the family of GOD. We become sons and daughter to the creator.

This changes everything. Maybe your home life was not good, maybe you never had

family, or maybe you have a GREAT home life.

Whatever the case, all of us need a family and the church should be a second

family of people who love, support, and hang out with each other. 

Romans 8:12-15

Acts 2:42-47

Ephesians 1:3-6


 NEXT GENERATION: Speaking Life to the Future 

We believe that we are called to develop the next generation of believers.

That believer might be a 10 year old child in Royal Rangers or a 60 year old adult in Keenagers.

We believe that we speak life to the future by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ

and helping others to become followers of Jesus. At JFA there is diversity of age

because we believe in the future.

Matthew 28:18-20

Revelations 12:11

Acts 1:8


We believe that when a church family lives by these values it changes everything;

because everywhere those people go they will shine the light of Jesus Christ. 


Curious about what else we believe? Keep scrolling.

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We believe God wants to offer Delaware County HOPE, SALVATION, RESTORATION, HEALING AND PEACE.

We believe when we live out our values that God will use believers as his hands and feet to bring an impact to this county. 


Jay First Assembly is in the cooperative fellowship of the Assemblies of God. 

At Jay First Assembly we adhere to the 16 Fundamentals of Faith as stated by the Assemblies of God. 

For more information you can hit the link below.

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